package com.cast.gwt.TicTacToe.client; import com.cast.gwt.receiver.client.Channel; import com.cast.gwt.receiver.client.ChannelHandler; import com.cast.gwt.receiver.client.EventHandler; import com.cast.gwt.receiver.client.EventType; import com.cast.gwt.receiver.client.MessageEvent; import com.cast.gwt.receiver.client.console; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Tic Tac Toe Gameplay with Chromecast This file exposes cast.TicTacToe as an * object containing a ChannelHandler and capable of receiving and sending * messages to the sender application. */ public class TicTacToe { private static enum PLAYER { O, X; }; public Board mBoard; private Player mPlayer1; private Player mPlayer2; private String mCurrentPlayer; public ChannelHandler mChannelHandler; /** * Creates a TicTacToe object with an optional board and attaches a * cast.receiver.ChannelHandler, which receives messages from the channel * between the sender and receiver. * * @param Board * opt_board an optional game board. */ public TicTacToe(Board mBoard) { this.mBoard = mBoard; this.mPlayer1 = null; this.mPlayer2 = null; this.mChannelHandler = ChannelHandler.create("TicTacToeDebug"); // Adds event listening functions to TicTacToe.prototype. this.mChannelHandler.addEventListener(EventType.MESSAGE(), new EventHandler() { @Override public void onEvent(Event event) { onMessage((MessageEvent) event); } }); this.mChannelHandler.addEventListener(EventType.OPEN(), new EventHandler() { @Override public void onEvent(Event event) { onChannelOpened(event); } }); this.mChannelHandler.addEventListener(EventType.CLOSED(), new EventHandler() { @Override public void onEvent(Event event) { onChannelClosed(event); } }); } /** * Channel opened event; checks number of open channels. * * @param event * the channel open event. */ protected void onChannelOpened(Event event) { console.log("onChannelOpened. Total number of channels: " + (this.mChannelHandler.getChannels()).length()); } /** * Channel closed event; if all devices are disconnected, closes the * application. * * @param event * event the channel close event. */ private void onChannelClosed(Event event) { console.log("onChannelClosed. Total number of channels: " + (mChannelHandler.getChannels()).length()); if ((this.mChannelHandler.getChannels()).length() == 0) {"", "_parent", ""); closeBrowser(); } } public native void closeBrowser() /*-{ $wnd.close(); }-*/; /** * Message received event; determines event message and command, and choose * function to call based on them. * * @param MessageEvent * event the event to be processed. */ public void onMessage(MessageEvent event) { JSONObject message = new JSONObject(event.message()); Channel channel = (Channel); console.log("********onMessage******** " + (message)); console.log("mPlayer1: " + this.mPlayer1); console.log("mPlayer2: " + this.mPlayer2); if (message.get("command").isString().stringValue() .equalsIgnoreCase("join")) { this.onJoin(channel, message); } else if (message.get("command").isString().stringValue() .equalsIgnoreCase("leave")) { this.onLeave(channel); } else if (message.get("command").isString().stringValue() .equalsIgnoreCase("move")) { this.onMove(channel, message); } else if (message.get("command").isString().stringValue() .equalsIgnoreCase("board_layout_request")) { this.onBoardLayoutRequest(channel); } else { console.log("Invalid message command: " + message.get("command").isString().stringValue()); } } /** * Request event for the board layout: sends the current layout of pieces on * the board through the channel. * * @param Channel * channel the channel the event came from. */ private void onBoardLayoutRequest(Channel channel) { console.log("****onBoardLayoutRequest"); JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { array.set(i * 3 + j, new JSONNumber(this.mBoard.mBoard[i][j])); } } JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); data.put("event", new JSONString("board_layout_response")); data.put("board", array); channel.send(data); } /** * Move event: checks whether a valid move was made and updates the board as * necessary. * * @param Channel * channel the source of the move, which determines the player. * @param JSONObject * message contains the row and column of the move. */ private void onMove(Channel channel, JSONObject message) { console.log("****onMove: " + message); boolean isMoveValid; if ((this.mPlayer1 == null) || (this.mPlayer2 == null)) { console.log("Looks like one of the players is not there"); console.log("mPlayer1: " + this.mPlayer1); console.log("mPlayer2: " + this.mPlayer2); return; } if (this.mPlayer1.getChannel() == channel) { if (this.mPlayer1.getPlayer() == this.mCurrentPlayer) { if (this.mPlayer1.getPlayer() == { isMoveValid = this.mBoard.drawCross(message.get("row").isNumber() .doubleValue(), message.get("column").isNumber().doubleValue()); } else { isMoveValid = this.mBoard.drawNaught(message.get("row").isNumber() .doubleValue(), message.get("column").isNumber().doubleValue()); } } else { console.log("Ignoring the move. It\"s not your turn."); this.sendError(channel, "It\"s not your turn."); return; } } else if (this.mPlayer2.getChannel() == channel) { if (this.mPlayer2.getPlayer() == this.mCurrentPlayer) { if (this.mPlayer2.getPlayer() == { isMoveValid = this.mBoard.drawCross(message.get("row").isNumber() .doubleValue(), message.get("column").isNumber().doubleValue()); } else { isMoveValid = this.mBoard.drawNaught(message.get("row").isNumber() .doubleValue(), message.get("column").isNumber().doubleValue()); } } else { console.log("Ignoring the move. It\"s not your turn."); this.sendError(channel, "It\"s not your turn."); return; } } else { console.log("Ignorning message. Someone other than the current" + "players sent a move."); this.sendError(channel, "You are not playing the game"); return; } if (isMoveValid == false) { this.sendError(channel, "Your last move was invalid"); return; } boolean isGameOver = this.mBoard.isGameOver(); JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); data.put("event", new JSONString("moved")); data.put("player", new JSONString(this.mCurrentPlayer)); data.put("row", message.get("row").isNumber()); data.put("column", message.get("column").isNumber()); data.put("game_over", JSONBoolean.getInstance(isGameOver)); this.broadcast(data); console.log("isGameOver: " + isGameOver); console.log("winningLoc: " + this.mBoard.getWinningLocation()); // When the game should end if (isGameOver == true) { this.broadcastEndGame(this.mBoard.getGameResult(), this.mBoard.getWinningLocation()); } // Switch current player this.mCurrentPlayer = (this.mCurrentPlayer .equalsIgnoreCase( ? :; } private void broadcastEndGame(String gameResult, int winningLocation) { console.log("****endGame"); this.mPlayer1 = null; this.mPlayer2 = null; JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); data.put("event", new JSONString("endgame")); data.put("end_state", new JSONString(gameResult)); data.put("winning_location", new JSONNumber(winningLocation)); this.broadcast(data); } private void sendError(Channel channel, String errorMessage) { JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); data.put("event", new JSONString("board_layout_response")); data.put("message", new JSONString(errorMessage)); channel.send(data); } /** * Player leave event: determines which player left and unregisters that * player, and ends the game if all players are absent. * * @param Channel * channel the channel of the leaving player. */ private void onLeave(Channel channel) { console.log("****OnLeave"); if (this.mPlayer1 != null && this.mPlayer1.getChannel() == channel) { this.mPlayer1 = null; } else if (this.mPlayer2 != null && this.mPlayer2.getChannel() == channel) { this.mPlayer2 = null; } else { console.log("Neither player left the game"); return; } console.log("mBoard.GameResult: " + this.mBoard.getGameResult()); if (this.mBoard.getGameResult() == null) { this.mBoard.setGameAbandoned(); this.broadcastEndGame(this.mBoard.getGameResult(), 0); } } /** * Player joined event: registers a new player who joined the game, or * prevents player from joining if invalid. * * @param Channel * channel the channel the message came from. * @param JSONObject * message the name of the player who just joined. */ private void onJoin(Channel channel, JSONObject message) { console.log("****onJoin: " + message); if ((this.mPlayer1 != null) && (this.mPlayer1.getChannel() == channel)) { this.sendError(channel, "You are already " + this.mPlayer1.getPlayer() + " You aren\"t allowed to play against yourself."); return; } if ((this.mPlayer2 != null) && (this.mPlayer2.getChannel() == channel)) { this.sendError(channel, "You are already " + this.mPlayer2.getPlayer() + " You aren\"t allowed to play against yourself."); return; } if (this.mPlayer1 == null) { this.mPlayer1 = JavaScriptObject.createObject().cast(); this.mPlayer1.setName(message.get("name").isString().stringValue()); this.mPlayer1.setChannel(channel); } else if (this.mPlayer2 == null) { this.mPlayer2 = JavaScriptObject.createObject().cast(); this.mPlayer2.setName(message.get("name").isString().stringValue()); this.mPlayer2.setChannel(channel); } else { console.log("Unable to join a full game."); this.sendError(channel, "Game is full."); return; } console.log("mPlayer1: " + this.mPlayer1); console.log("mPlayer2: " + this.mPlayer2); if (this.mPlayer1 != null && this.mPlayer2 != null) { this.mBoard.reset(); this.startGame_(); } } private void startGame_() { console.log("****startGame"); int firstPlayer = (int) Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) % 2); this.mPlayer1.setPlayer((firstPlayer == 0) ? :; this.mPlayer2.setPlayer((firstPlayer == 0) ? :; this.mCurrentPlayer =; JSONObject data1 = new JSONObject(); data1.put("event", new JSONString("joined")); data1.put("player", new JSONString(this.mPlayer1.getPlayer())); data1.put("opponent", new JSONString(this.mPlayer2.getName())); this.mPlayer1.getChannel().send(data1); JSONObject data2 = new JSONObject(); data2.put("event", new JSONString("joined")); data2.put("player", new JSONString(this.mPlayer2.getPlayer())); data2.put("opponent", new JSONString(this.mPlayer1.getName())); this.mPlayer2.getChannel().send(data2); } /** * Broadcasts a message to all of this object's known channels. * * @param JSONObject * message the message to broadcast. */ private void broadcast(JSONObject message) { JsArray<Channel> arr = this.mChannelHandler.getChannels(); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); i++) { arr.get(i).send(message); } } }